Truths About Travel Bloggers

5 Truths About Travel Bloggers You Didn’t Know About

A few days ago, I received a question from a friend of mine who was wondering if I get all my travels/trips for free. This happened after I officially announced on my Facebook page that I’ll be part of 2GO’s free travels by next month. And honestly this was not the first time I’ve received a similar question.

So I’ve gathered a list of common misconceptions about Travel Bloggers and Content Creators to answer that question and to share few truths about us.

1. We don’t always travel for FREE

I think the most common misconception about us is that we always TRAVEL FOR FREE. Well it’s a perk, but not always true.

Here’s the truth, we don’t always travel for free and definitely not all trips are sponsored. We travel at our own expense too but we make sure we make money from it. How you may I ask? By creating travel contents that we can publish on our website or Youtube Channel and earn money from ads. I created a content about how I earn money from blogging, read it here.

Related Content: What is Freelancing and How to Earn Money From it?

2. Not all recommendations are 100% authentic

I’m not gonna go beating around the bush here, what I truly want to say is that some content creators recommends a certain brand more than it actually deserves. To some extent, they’d create enticing videos and make it look more exaggerating than reality just because it’s a paid advertisement.

So make sure you’re following a Content Creator who does genuine contents that are true and honest. Don’t only go for creativity, look for authenticity too.

3. Content creation is not easy

Most people think content creation is easy just because this kind of work does not require you to pass a board exam or get a PhD. Certainly there is no college course about content creation but point is you can’t start a blog with a snap of a finger.

What would it be about? Which platform are you going to use? Where do you blog? How much will it cost me? What are the tools I’ll need? Do I have to be good in English? How do I draw in people to watch and follow my contents?

NO DEFINITE ANSWER TO ALL THAT. It’s easier to say you just have to be creative and unique than how it actually works.

4. Even content creators feel anxious too

Contrary to popular belief, some of us are camera-shy. Yeap! We only love taking photos of sceneries while we travel. Truth is we also get very anxious especially when the content starts to involve our awkward faces, lol. But like what they say, gotta do it for the blog!

You may also see contents where our actions look so natural but really we shot it a hundred times! Lol.

5. We are a mixture of introvert and extrovert content creators

Another common misconception is that all content creators are outgoing and extrovert kind of people. But honestly I’ve met a few who are the opposite. There are lots of Travel Bloggers out there who are not the talker type but have a heart for travel content creation.

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